layout: true background-image: url(../../images/slide_background.jpg) background-size: cover class: middle --- # How to engage with farmers ### Long Quotes --- ### Quote 1 --- ### “… talking to the farmer and not being afraid to say, “why did that go wrong?” Have that debrief on the farm. Fair enough, if he’s angry and cross, don’t do it then, do it in the morning. But most farmers are disappointed and are thinking “should I have called you earlier?” So, it potentially could help them to go through, “Well you called me … you did the right thing, we did everything we could”, and talk to them. *(cont. ...)* --- ### I have often had farmers, if a calf’s been down after a Caesar and it’s not stood up very well or a cows gone down doing a Caesar, had them ring me three quarters of an hour on the way home and say, “She’s up, she’s up, the calf’s suckling!” *(cont. ...)* --- ### And I guess, not being frightened to be honest with the farmer…and go into the kitchen and have a cup of tea afterwards - that’s so important. I know you’re desperate to go back to bed, or go and have a shower, but that’s when you do make those relationships as new vets.” --- ### Quote 2 --- ### “Thinking about it on a longer-term basis. No progress on that visit? Then think of it on a longer-term basis. Building relationships, becoming part of a team, and seeing success after a while. Having patience and looking for the small positives. *(cont. ...)* --- ### Not achieved everything you wanted but have achieved something, e.g. if there’s a problem with lameness. At least if the farmer’s not going to change something immediately, have a conversation about it and knowing what the farmers attitudes to it are, would be a start. Feeling that he’s starting to build trust in you even if he’s not quite doing what you suggest just yet.” --- ### Quote 3 --- ### “A colleague of mine, a farmer shouted at him and his response was, “I’ll never go back on that farm”. And it was a reflex, rather than saying, “that really upset me – I feel like I’m being personally attacked”. Whereas we all knew that farmer was a bit aggressive to everyone – that’s what he’s like. *(cont. ...)* --- ### So, instead of having that reflex, it would have been better to talk it out and potentially adjust… even if it’s just a joke, someone in the office will just joke about the fact that he’s a bit of a grumpy old guy. And then you get a bit of support.”