layout: true background-image: url(../../images/slide_background.jpg) background-size: cover class: middle --- # Making Mistakes ### Medium Quotes --- ### “I’ve had things go wrong, but I’ve never had a client saying, “you did that wrong”. If I’ve done something that didn’t go the way I would have wanted it to, I’ve forgotten about them within 24 hours. I do like that phrase, “Hard won experience” and “Calm seas make poor sailors” is very true. My technique will have improved due to the things I’ve got wrong or got right, you’d have to jog my memory and say, “do you remember when….” that happened.” --- ### “I allowed myself to be sad, I allowed myself some worry time, I allowed myself a potentially irrational, inward reaction - “oh you’re terrible at this, why are you even here, you shouldn’t even be doing this job - then I allowed my rational brain to kick in. It’s going to be alright tomorrow.” --- ### “I allowed myself to be sad, I allowed myself some worry time, I allowed myself a potentially irrational, inward reaction - “oh you’re terrible at this, why are you even here, you shouldn’t even be doing this job - then I allowed my rational brain to kick in. It’s going to be alright tomorrow.” --- ### “Knowing that I’d learnt from the experience, knowing that I wouldn’t make that mistake again. Knowing that I could cope with what was waiting for me on the farm this time. (selecting the right time so I could deal with it confidently). It could be that that farmer didn’t want me back so speaking to the boss to confirm that going back was the right thing to do. And acknowledging what mistakes I had made and learning from them.” --- ### “I’ve worked with younger vets, talking to them a lot, talking about cases that they’ve seen. Going out with them if they’ve asked for support. But making sure that they have the opportunity to do things for themselves, so they gain confidence. Talking about failures but also talking about successes as well to remind yourself you can do things.” --- ### “If I go on a farm and I’ve done something wrong and I’m constantly worried about it, it takes a while to get it out of my head ... I also think about what actually happened, and think “there’s more to life than worrying about that”.” --- ### “Let’s discuss what’s happened, let’s review the outcome: Number of pounds lost? Animals died? People harmed? And if not, they’re only animals. Then we have to go through, “with hindsight what would you have done differently and what would you do differently next time”. Usually, you’ll find once you get some perspective, you’re not going to get sacked, get sued, get struck off, no-one died. So, what are we going to do next time?” --- ### “We wouldn’t take our assistant out by the arm and humiliate them, we’d discuss where we could have done something different or what they should do the next time. But we try to get them out there pretty quickly again so it doesn’t fester. Get them to go out to something fairly simple and get them well primed beforehand so they’re going well armed to gain that person’s confidence again. Everybody makes mistakes but it’s how you handle them.”