layout: true background-image: url(../../images/slide_background.jpg) background-size: cover class: center, middle --- # Speak to Somebody ### Short Quotes --- ### “I would just make sure you speak to somebody because often you’ve moved to a new area, you’re going back to an empty house, you don’t have that family behind you.” --- ### “… you have a chat and may say ‘I’ve had a rubbish calving’. “It is just talking about it, you can’t change anything.” --- ### “go speak to other friends” --- ### “Some of the massive improvements in support in our practice has been the VDS service – even if it’s just talking something through, it’s very reassuring, they’re very helpful.” --- ### “I think normally it would just be to talk through what had happened with someone.” --- ### “I think it’s hard to beat that very personal contact, of looking into the whites of somebody’s eyes over a cup of coffee and just talking stuff through.” --- ### “And sometimes it’s nice to have a moan and have someone listen to you.” --- ### “Comes back to support, and if they feel like its fine and they can do it and can speak to someone in the morning” --- ### “Even if there’s no-one to speak to that night, speak about it, get it dealt with the next day.” “Definitely, speaking to people or hearing similar stories would be useful.” --- ### “It’s recognised as a particularly male thing, as being less willing to open up about feelings / what’s going wrong / what’s not making you happy but just talking about football.” --- ### “it’s not an admission of failure to talk to someone else” --- ### “I think talking about them (upsetting experiences) is really important. If I went out to a farm that I found particularly frustrating or upsetting, then I’d talk to one of my bosses about it.” “Speak to someone to get it into context. – another vet.” --- ### “I think talking about them (difficult situations) is really important. If I went out to a farm that I found particularly frustrating or upsetting, then I’d talk to one of my bosses about it.” --- ### “I don’t think you can tell someone not to take it personally, but if you are taking something to heart, then admit that you’re doing it, admit that it is getting to you and talk to someone about it.” --- ### “…there might be somebody in another practice or somebody else that’s in a similar situation that you could then communicate with, talk to.” --- ### “I also speak to my friends and they make me feel better.” --- ### “I think being able to talk to someone away from the practice would help.” --- ### “At 2.00 in the morning – they are the hard hours. If you can’t have that conversation in the night, I think it’s important to have that discussion in the morning with your boss / colleagues.”